Xilva PLAN:
The nature program strategy building service to help you build your nature-positive plan
Organisations that are committed to measuring, reporting, and contributing to nature-positive outcomes need a strategy to invest in nature and an implementation plan.
PLAN, Xilva’s proprietary nature-based program strategy building methodology, helps you to deliver on these commitments by building a comprehensive strategy and action plan:
Selection criteria and checklist: Define which geographical areas, intervention types and quality criteria to target, summarize in a simple to use checklist for efficient pipeline management.
Investment models: You can support Nature-based Solutions in many different ways. Equity investments, debt, philanthropic donations, NGO partnerships or research grants are some of the options - which one is right for you?
Investment process and due diligence: Set up a structured process so that you can invest in the right projects, mitigate risks and get there efficiently.
Carbon strategy: Forest projects frequently generate carbon credits. How do you want to associate with those? We help you navigate the options, from pre-purchase ERPAs to purchase options, claims or market sales.
Insetting: Explore opportunities for emissions reductions in the Scope 1, 2 or 3 of your supply chain.
Communication: How do you want to communicate about your engagement, both internally and with clients and other external stakeholders? What has to be in place in your program and with your partners to make regular communication seamless and natural?
Safeguarding and monitoring: When the investment is made, how do you make sure the project is implemented as planned, milestones are met, risks are mitigated, and the promised outcomes are delivered?

Deliver on your nature-positive commitments, supported by forest experts with a wealth of experience both in the forest project world and on the investment side, and decades of practical work in corporate sustainability.
What you get from Xilva PLAN
Custom Nature based Solutions program strategy and plan in an easy to use format
Templates and checklists for steps in the program design and implementation
Material you can use for stakeholder communication and training
Access to the Xilva expert team with 70+ years combined forest and NbS expertise