Xilva GRADE:
The blueprint for forest project assessment and due diligence
Investing in forest projects offers tremendous opportunities for both financial returns and positive environmental and social impact.
However, navigating the complexities of these investments requires a thorough understanding of the associated risks and impacts, and their interconnectivity, across multiple dimensions.
That’s why we developed GRADE, Xilva’s proprietary forest evaluation methodology, building on the intimate knowledge and deep experience of our forest team’s decades of field experience, and offer it to stakeholders along the whole value chain: investors, project developers and corporate buyers.
We manage the complexities for you:
We provide a rigorous assessment across 6 interrelated areas
Positive and negative impact assessment on nature, climate and social aspects.
Coverage: Biodiversity, Carbon, Local Community Benefits and Contributions to the UN SDGs
Product-market fit, cash flow forecast, economic sustainability and risk management.
Coverage: Business model, Revenue & cost assumptions, Cash flow projections and Risk analysis
Assessment on team-related delivery and reputational risks. Background, skills gaps and mindset.
Coverage: Team capacity (leadership, management, execution), Track record
Legal and social licence. Strategic approach, robustness of implementation plan and management system.
Coverage: Technologies & infrastructure, Intervention design, Land use rights and Project-landscape fit
State-of-the-art analysis on ESG Safeguards.
Risk level, severity analysis and mitigation measuresCoverage: Climate resilience, Deforestation, Human rights, Governance risks and Community FPIC
Scale-up potential and readiness assessment.
Coverage: PES potential, Scale-up opportunities, Additional revenue and Replicability
Our Data Stack
Interviews with key personnel
Project documentation
International & regional
costs and prices
Best practice benchmarks and safeguarding
Reputation checks & database of risk
Production models, Carbon and Biodiversity references
Remote sensing environmental and social data
Registries and certification data
What are the key criteria to consider in an effective Due Diligence?
This guide lists 11 key criteria, explains their importance and includes a sample data point assessed by Xilva GRADE.
How Xilva GRADE brings value to you
“At Goodman, we only want to invest in nature-based solutions that consider the entire ecosystem of the carbon credit, such as location, surrounding communities, land owner, track record, carbon developer, etc.
Since the Voluntary Carbon Market is a complex environment that is constantly evolving, and forest management even more so, we decided to look for external expertise.
From the start, the specialists at Xilva understood our needs and requirements, analysing every project and advising us at every step of the process. Xilva’s help was very valuable for the diverse due diligences we performed and they were able to get us in touch with a very competent carbon developer.”
Marie Maggiordomo - Sustainability & Innovation Director, Goodman
Discover Xilva GRADE
Unlock the full potential of your forest and natural capital investments.
Xilva GRADE provides a comprehensive and structured project assessment suite specifically tailored to fulfil the comprehensive due diligence requirements of impact-driven investors.

Q: Is Xilva GRADE a rating?
The difference between Ratings and Due Diligence:
Carbon ratings score the credit worthiness of a carbon project's methodological approach, anchored in an inquiry into the likelihood that a specific carbon credit represents one tonne of emissions avoided or removed. Ratings are designed to be an independent view of the credit’s quality, based on transparency, methodology, and verification standards alignment. Ratings can provide a valuable starting point for risk assessment and help carbon buyers filter by carbon credit quality.
Unveiling the True Risks and Opportunities:
Due diligence, on the other hand, is the comprehensive process required by investors, donors and carbon credit buyers to evaluate and verify all relevant aspects of a project before taking a decision.
Due diligence, in any asset class or investment type, typically involves four key elements: People, Performance, Philosophy, and Process. Thereby offering an in-depth scrutiny of critical aspects including delivery risk, performance metrics, the project team's track record, alignment with risk management criteria and social license. By conducting due diligence using Xilva GRADE, investors make more informed decisions.
"If nature-based solutions are to achieve scale, we must remove the uncertainty and minimize risks for capital providers, while at the same time, allow project developers space to engage and improve. The finance sector is calling out for a common understanding of how to calibrate an increasing number of project proposals.
Xilva Grade builds on years of field assessment expertise, adds the advances provided by technology and offers an in-depth view of a projects strengths and weaknesses - if you will -
a 360º view of the forest using a trusted blueprint."