Team spotlight: Ling Koh

Ling is Senior Manager Demand at Xilva

Learn about what drives her passion

As an accountant by training, Ling brings 20+ years of experience in B2B partnerships and facilitates customer satisfaction at Xilva.

“Xilva’s mission to enable more forests than anyone has ever seen, and unleash their full value for the planet, appeals to me! I believe in the power of nature but we need huge capital investments to restore and protect our forests. With this belief in mind, I work on Xilva’s mission together with a team of like minded colleagues.

If Xilva can channel capital into forests, fast, we have a chance at saving our most precious asset - nature, and unleash all the co-benefits!”

▶️ What I do at Xilva 🚀 :
I work with capital providers (broadly classified into 3 groups: corporates, impact financiers and philanthropic funders) to understand their requirements and challenges, and introduce them to the world of forest investing.

▶️ I enjoy working at Xilva because 🌎:
Every win is not only a win for the company or the team, but a win for forests, nature and climate.

▶️ My biggest learning along the journey so far 🔬:
It is very interesting to learn about the different types of forest projects such as reforestation, afforestation, agroforestry etc., and to talk about “planting season” and nurseries.

▶️ My connection to forests is 🌲:
I am a city girl for most of my life and it’s only after travelling, and eventually moving, to Europe that I began to appreciate nature and forests. A walk in the forest is now a regular part of my unwind routine.

▶️ A must-do thing in my hometown 🌇:

EAT! My hometown Singapore offers an incredible variety of both Singapore and international cuisine. 

▶️ The music I love to listen to in nature 🎧:
I don’t listen to music in nature. Being in the present moment in nature, listening to the sounds of birds and insects, rustling leaves in the wind, or simply nothing, is already a blissful experience.

▶️ A digital tool I can’t live without 📱:
The search engine!

Thank you Ling. With your can-do attitude you are a driving force for our team, and a trusted partner for our clients.


Agile development, team spirit, and fun: these were the ingredients of our last company retreat


5 Things You Can Do Today to Help Protect Forests